Book Review of Panorama: A Collection of Short Stories by Shilpi Chaklanobis

Reviewed by
Dr. Sapna Dogra

Volume VII, Number 1, 2017 I Full Text PDF

Panorama is an enthralling collection of short stories that primarily revolves around relationships in a modern-day metropolis. In fifteen stories Shilpi displays plethora of familiar urban character: domestic help, college professor, working mother, passengers travelling in a train, to name a few, and situates them in interesting positions that involves dilemmas, loss, regret, repentance, acceptance and grief. This
is Shilpi’s maiden venture into creative writing.

According to Edgar Allan Poe, one of the Hallmarks of a good story is its coherence to hold the readers interest from beginning to end. This is applicable to the present book as well. There was not a moment of tediousness and each narrative unravelled with a grace and interest. Shilpi’s efforts to breathe life into her characters are indeed commendable. All her stories are closely related to life and human