A Survey of Mathematics Anxiety and Mathematical Resilience in Upper Primary School Level

Alauddin Dafadar
Department of Mathematics, Bhatter College, Dantan

[Article History: 10 Sept 2023. Revised: 25 Sept 2023. Accepted: 30 Sept 2023. Published: 5 Oct 2023]

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The main aim of the paper is to highlight mathematics anxiety, a major issue faced by Indian students. It aims to pinpoint the symptoms and causes of mathematics anxiety. The investigation also intends to direct the teachers and students towards the solutions to curb this anxiety, so that it helps in the improvement of their academic as well as overall performance. Basically, we want to work on upper primary school classrooms (10 to 14 years). Students were given a mathematics test and a following anxiety questionnaire to detect their levels of anxiety, to try to better understand issues that cause anxiety, and to understand ways that teachers might help reduce anxiety.

Keywords: Math phobia, hypothesis, upper primary, school, Dantan

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