
Dinnaga’s View on the Role of Anyapoha (Exclusion of Others) in Understanding Word-meaning

Date: October 25, 2017 By: Editor Alok Ranjan Khatua A Research Scholar, Ph. D. Programme, Vidyasagar University, and an Assistant Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, Mugberia Gangadhar Mahavidyalaya, Bhupatinagar, Puarba-Medinipur, Pin: 721425, West Bengal, India. Email:  Volume VII, Number 2, 2017 I Full Text PDF DOI: 10.25274/bcjms.v7n2.v7n2sc03 Abstract: The present paper deals with the Buddhist theory of meaning which is known as Apohavāda,…

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Social Exclusion and the Empowerment of Muslims: A study of Uttar Pradesh

Date: August 17, 2017 By: Editor Farhan Abedi Research Scholar, Department of Sociology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. Email:  Volume VII, Number 2, 2017 I Full Text PDF DOI: 10.25274/bcjms.v7n2.v7n2sc02 Abstract Social exclusion broadly refers to lack of participation in social life. It is a powerful form of discriminatory practice. In course of human development, exclusion has taken the form of segregating…

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Teacher Motivation and Perception of Effectiveness of Curriculum

Date: August 17, 2017 By: Editor Namita Kumari1 & Fr. Thomas Perumalil S.J.2 1Mother’s International Teacher’s Training Academy, Phulwarisharif, Patna. Email: 2Xavier College of Education, Digha, Patna  Volume VII, Number 2, 2017 I Full Text PDF DOI: 10.25274/bcjms.v7n2.v7n2sc01 Abstract Teacher motivation is a point of concern for educationists, education planners and school managers. There are several theories dealing with teacher motivation from…

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ইন্দ্রিয়সংযমের শিক্ষা ও রামায়ণঃ একটি আলোচনা

Date: January 2, 2018 By: Editor শিশির কুমার ঢালী সহশিক্ষক, গয়েশ্বরী প্যারী ভুবন বিদ্যানিকেতন, Email:   Volume VII, Number 2, 2017 I Full Text PDF DOI: 10.25274/bcjms.v7n2.v7n2bnl02 সংক্ষিপ্তসার (Abstract):        মনুষ্যদেহে বসবাসকারী ষড়রিপুর অন্যতম কাম। ভগবান তাঁর সৃষ্টিকে পঞ্চ-ইন্দ্রিয়ের দ্বারা উপভোগ করবার জন্যই মনুষ্য প্রজাতির সৃষ্টি করেছেন। সুতরাং, পৃথিবীতে সৃষ্টি বজায় রাখতে গেলে নিঃসন্দেহে কামের প্রয়োজন আছে। যেহেতু কামাদি রিপুগুলি সহজাত, তাই এগুলির সমূলে…

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তিতাস একটি নদীর নাম’ : ব্যক্তিজীবন বনাম গোষ্ঠীজীবনের প্রত্যাশা ও প্রাপ্তির দ্বন্দ্ব

Date: October 13, 2017 By: Editor চন্দন কুমার সাউ Ph.D Research scholar, Burdwan University. Email:  Volume VII, Number 2, 2017 I Full Text PDF DOI: 10.25274/bcjms.v7n2.v7n2bnl01 Abstract: বাংলা সাহিত্যে কোন একটি বিশেষ জনগোষ্ঠীর জীবন নিয়ে লেখা উপন্যাসের সংখ্যা কম নয়। আর সেই ধারায় অদ্বৈত মল্লবর্মণের ‘তিতাস একটি নদীর নাম’ উপন্যাসটির কথা বিশেষভবেই উল্লেখের দাবি রাখে। তিতাস নদী থেকে মাছ ধরে…

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Kashyapa Rishi of the Mahabharata becomes Dhanvantari Ojha of the Manasamangal Kavya: Transmission and Diffusion of an Ancient Snakebite-Curer’s Story

Date: January 3, 2018 By: Editor Rahul Bhaumik Department of History, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. Email:  Volume VII, Number 2, 2017 I Full Text PDF DOI: 10.25274/bcjms.v7n2.v7n2eng03 Abstract This paper focuses on the particular Mahabharata story of great snakebite-curer Kashyapa Rishi, whose resemblance we find in the character of Dhanvantari Ojha of the mediaeval Bengali narrative poetry Manasamangal Kavya or Padma Purana. Similarities between these two…

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Life as a ‘Brief Candle’ blown out by Death: A Critical Analysis of Mahesh Dattani’s Brief Candle

Date: October 24, 2017 By: Editor Tapashree Ghosh Assistant Professor, Dhruba Chand Halder College. ORCID: 0000-0002-4107-8045. Email id:  Volume VII, Number 2, 2017 I Full Text PDF DOI: 10.25274/bcjms.v7n2.v7n2eng02 Abstract: Mahesh Dattani’s Brief Candle deals with the life of cancer patients and is set in a hospital where cancer patients are about to stage a comic play to raise fund for their…

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Self, Performance and Queer militancy in Isherwood’s A Single Man

Date: October 24, 2017 By: Editor Rajorshi Das Indraprastha College for Women, Delhi  Volume VII, Number 2, 2017 I Full Text PDF DOI: 10.25274/bcjms.v7n2.v7n2eng01 Abstract Set in 1962 United States, Christopher Isherwood’s A Single Man (1964), initially conceptualised as An English Woman, is considered to be the author’s magnum opus. It focuses on a day in the life of the protagonist, George – a Los…

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Editorial, Volume 7, 2017

Date: January 7, 2018 By: Editor Dr. Pabitra Kumar Mishra Editor-in-Chief  Volume VII, Number 2, 2017 I Full Text PDF DOI: 10.25274/bcjms.v7n2.v7n200 For the last few years the academic world, especially in India, is reeling under the circumstances created by the phenomenon of “publish or perish”. It is strange indeed that the educational policy makers suddenly felt the need for pushing…

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Call For Papers 2023: General Areas & Local Area Development Research Under the Continuous Publication Model, Submission Deadline September 30, 2023. The articles will start getting published from October 2023.

General Areas & Local Area Development Research Under the Continuous Publication Model Broad Disciplines: Humanities: Sanskrit, Bengali, English, Music (Papers should be in English only) Social Sciences: History, Archaeology, Geography, Philosophy, Psychology, Political Science, Public Administration, Economics, Education, Sociology, Sports Studies (Physical Education) Management and Commerce: Commerce, Accountancy, Rural Management Pure Sciences: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry,…

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